November's math jargon:
supremum, sup - simply a jargonista way of saying "least upper bound"
sufficient statistic - concept introduced by Fisher in 1920, refers to a function of a data set that summarises all the sample information in that set. want more precision, and a chat about Rao-Blackwellisation? Go here.
Goldbach conjecture - if n>4 is even, then n is the sum of two odd primes (can be rephrased: even numbers >4 are the sum of two odd primes). The conjecture is named after Prussian mathematician Christian Goldback.
Math-programmers are also well-advised to know ALL the greek letters used in mathematics (commonly forgotten or under-used ones are eta, kappa, nu, upsilon (looks like nu), psi).
Dawn of the NPU
5 days ago
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