Wednesday, 26 May 2021

PyCryptoing on the Physics Maths Border

Studies of nonlinearity often bring us to the badlands between physics and mathematics. 

One such exponent is Professor Pierre Raphael who specializes in the study of nonlinear waves.

Pierre Raphael joined Cambridge's Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics (DPMMS) in 2019. He has a PhD from Cergy Pontoise (since January 2020 known as CY Cergy Paris university).

At Cambridge, PR is the Herchel Smith Professor of Pure Mathematics (named after organic chemist Herchel Smith who was an undergraduate at Emmanuel College, Cambridge).

Saturday, 15 May 2021

Mathematical Expositors

Super-able mathematical expositors are valuable to PyCryptos requiring mathematical intuition to be ingested speedily in order to achieve success in algorithmic implementation.

Examples of such worthy expositors include:

Walter Warwick Sawyer - lots of good essays and expository book on Numerical Functional Analysis. Essays include "AMA Revisted".

Harold Edwards - lots of good essays and expository book on Riemann Zeta Function (1974)